Working with you on your management obstacles to unleash your potential and gain a great reputation as a leader
Dr Maria Teresa Paladino
PCC ICF, Professional Counselor
MT Test Page
MT Test Page
“If only I could improve those aspects of my management approach, I could be THE Manager they want to work for them!”
You are a go-getter manager, a talented person in your job in a company, and they need a manager with your qualities, so they are thinking to promote you or they have just done it, or you already are in a high management position.
But … they say there are aspects of your way of dealing with things and people that may not work in the new or current position, or maybe they aren’t perfectly aligned with the company leadership expectations.
However, they think it would be a mess not to take the opportunity to make you grow and put you in that position because they need it.
Maybe they have just put you in that position as a new manager and they don’t want to be disappointed with the choice they made. Otherwise, you are in that position yet, but they are starting to think that maybe that wasn’t the right decision to make.
Well: you don’t want to risk being put apart, demoted, or even discarded for someone else from the “market” who might have at least the same expertise and technical qualities as yours.
Plus, you want to grow and be more attractive to the market and have more opportunities to get a better job — whoever knows what will happen?
* who are “They”? They are The Best Companies in the Market: great values (ethics, authenticity, integrity, most appreciative of their people, and so on)
2 Steps to improve YOUR assertiveness
Take the quiz, discover your style and learn to be more assertive watching the video!
Don't throw away the possibility to be the best of yourself!
What we will do together
– Focalizzeremo gli ostacoli che incontri nella tua vita quotidiana di manager, diradando eventuale confusione ed eliminando falsi ostacoli
– Individueremo quelli affrontabili nel nostro percorso
– Ne sceglieremo 2-3 da risolvere prioritariamente
– Utilizzeremo questionari e survey che riterremo adeguati agli obiettivi
– Ti guiderò nella scelta delle tue skill e punti di forza su cui farai leva per il cambiamento
– Per ogni ostacolo individueremo la via per superarlo: diventerai consapevole di cosa succede dentro di te e intorno a te, scoprendo perché succede quello che succede e cosa devi cambiare per ottenere ciò che auspichi
– Metteremo a punto passi pratici da mettere in atto quotidianamente per esercitare e consolidare le scoperte e i cambiamenti che ne conseguono
– Verificheremo insieme i progressi lungo il cammino
– Celebreremo ogni passo conquistato
– Prenderai atto di tutto quanto appreso e della trasformazione avvenuta. Riguarderai il tuo percorso e il cambiamento tra il te stessa/o di allora e quella/o di adesso, gli strumenti acquisiti e la capacità di cambiare te stessa/o verso il meglio: questa è la ricchezza che porterai per sempre con te.
– Valuteremo se c’è altro da fare e decideremo se il percorso può considerarsi concluso.
This is the heading
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